For the past few months, Dada! Animation‘s team has been working on developing the animated feature film Marie-Rose and the Mysterious Journey, adapted from Chantal Goya’s iconic show. The first images were unveiled at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival.
A 3D Musical Animated Film for the Whole Family
Currently in development and co-directed by Tanguy de Kermel and Jérôme Mouscadet, The Mysterious Journey is the first in a series of five feature films featuring Marie-Rose, the emblematic character portrayed by Chantal Goya in her shows.
This family-friendly musical and fantastical adventure will showcase the most famous songs and characters from Chantal Goya’s shows, including Jeannot Lapin, Pandi-Panda, the Blue Dragon, Pinocchio, Polichinelle, Bécassine, and Puss in Boots.
Dada! Animation has been working on the literary and graphic development of the feature film.
Production: Caroline Cornot (Mangouste Anim)
Directors: Tanguy de Kermel and Jérôme Mouscadet
Writers: Sophie Decroisette and Laure Doyonnax
Character Design: David Berthier
Art Direction and Background Design: Maël Le Gall
Visual Development: Neil Ruffier Meray
More Information About the Project
Visit the producer Mangouste Anim’s website here.